Crimson Aura
Crimson Aura
Title: Crimson Aura
Stone: Red Alabaster
Size: 5"x 7" x 14"
Weight: 6 lb / 3 kg
Made in BC Canada
"Crimson Aura" The Alabaster Abstract Translucent Shard sculpture is a captivating exploration of light and form. Its refined design creates an intriguing canvas for the interplay of illumination. When backlit, the sculpture transforms into a mesmerizing display of translucency, engaging its dynamic relationship with light and shadow.
"Crimson Aura" is a captivating sculpture carved from red alabaster, a stone renowned for its translucent qualities and vibrant hues. Standing at 14 inches tall, its organic form evokes the imagery of a flickering flame frozen in time. The rich, variegated reds interspersed with lighter, almost ethereal white patches give the piece a dynamic visual texture. This work embodies both strength and delicacy, as the stone's natural patterns are accentuated by the sculptor's adept handling. The base, also crafted from alabaster, provides a solid foundation, enhancing the overall sense of stability and permanence. This sculpture, created in British Columbia, Canada, resonates with the region's natural beauty and the artist's intimate connection with their medium.