Title: Sea Stars Stone: BC Soapstone Size: 12"x 7" x 3" Weight: 9 lb / 4 kg Made in BC Canada
This sculpture, titled "Sea Stars," captures the dynamic essence of starfish in motion. Carved from BC Soapstone, the piece is distinguished by its mottled shades of green, gold, and earthy browns, evoking the natural hues of the ocean floor. The artist has skillfully shaped the stone to mimic the organic textures and flowing lines of starfish, lending a sense of vitality and movement to the form. The glossy finish enhances the natural variations in the stone, resembling the wet surface of marine life glistening under the sea. Measuring 12 inches by 7 inches, and weighing 9 pounds, this work can be placed on a flat surface or elegantly mounted on a wall, thanks to its cleverly integrated hanging mechanism. The sculpture’s versatility and vibrant detailing celebrate the resilience and grace of starfish, known for their remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs, symbolizing strength and renewal.