Stone Art Repairs

Stone Art Repairs

Fathom Stone Art offers repairs on your damaged stone sculptures.  We typically use hard stones in our studio and gallery to ensure that your artwork will be enjoyed and handled without scratches.  Some artists use soapstone which is the softest stone in the world and can sometimes see marring and scratches as people admire and touch the artwork.  Email photos of your artwork to for a quote, then package your piece and send it to Whistler for full fine art restoration

Price for restoration: $85 / hour 






As you can see, the restoration brought the piece back to life to its original condition.  Many pieces are family heirlooms and should be kept for memories.  

This next piece below was a repair for an Inuit style carved soapstone bear that fell off of a 5' mantle onto the stone hearth below and broke into 4 pieces!  It's no problem for Fathom Stone Art Studio to repair!  Look and the transformation from broken heARTs to repaired and restored ART!





This Calf Cow Soapstone Carving was sent to us by someone who had purchased it years ago and loves it.  It had a broken back left leg, some chipping in the stone.




This Dancing Inuit Polar Bear carved from Serpentine in Canada was mailed to us from Connecticut for restoration.  The head was broken off the main body.  The claws and everything looked like they were in good shape.  After using a few techniques and a lot of sanding, the bear is perfect.  There is no trace of a break in the stone.  The Inuit art collector will be very happy with the way this piece has turned out.

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